Health Benefits of Infrared Sauna Detox

Sweating is good for you. Sweating is one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health. And that’s why infrared chromo therapy detox sauna’s are specifically designed to promote a deep, healthy and natural detoxifying sweat.

It is important to detoxify the body to help with strengthening the immune system. A good sweat will aid the body’s biochemical processes to function more efficiently so that we are better able to digest the nutrients in our foods. Detoxification has also been shown to be helpful with colitis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, auto-immune disease, immune deficiency states, autism, ADD and ADHD.


Sauna detox helps you sweat the small stuff


Did you know that sauna detox has been widely embraced as a healthy treatment in alternative medicine? As the world moves toward more natural and self-directed treatments, sauna detoxification is getting more and more attention.

Why? Well, the leading principle of sauna detoxification states that the build-up of toxic substances can lead to a host of common illnesses. Ridding the body of these toxins through a natural sauna detox may help relieve symptoms, prevent future illness and increase overall health and vitality.

4 Steps to Sauna Detox


Now you know the health benefits of sauna detoxification, but do you know how to use an infrared sauna to properly detox? While every body is different, we have created a helpful guide to detoxification.

Step 1: Hydrate
Any day you are planning to use an Infrared Sauna, make sure your water intake increases. While a far infrared sauna detoxification isn’t harsh, you are still sweating – some much more than others. The sweat produced in a far infrared sauna is 80 – 85% water, so it is important that before, during, and after your sauna detox session, you drink plenty of water to re-hydrate.

Step 2: Set Time Limits
The amount of time spent in a sauna detox session may vary depending upon your tolerance and daily activity level. To get your body accustomed to infrared therapy, start with 10-15 minute sessions every other day. Gradually increase towards 30 minute daily sessions in the optimal temperature range. Listen to your body. Be aware of excessive detoxifying. If you begin to feel symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, or flu-like symptoms during your sauna session, discontinue use.

Step 3: Find a Comfortable Temperature
The optimal sauna experience occurs between 100° and 130°F. Starting at a high intensity to increase core temperature then reduces to a low, comfortable intensity level.

 Step 4: Rinse Off
After each sauna detoxification session, dry off with a towel. It is best to let your body cool off naturally while still burning calories. Finish it off with a cool glass of water and you are ready to take on the day.