May 23rd to May 27th is Red Pantie Week

This heart felt video told by Robin, in honor of her ‘Gram’, tells a story of a woman who was full of life, wisdom & a whole lot of character. Gram was a highly youthful soul as Robin would describe and even leading to her final days she was going to ‘live’ life with her “lucky red panties'‘ on!

Please join us May 23rd-27th in honor of Gram by tagging and sharing with us on social media (links located at the bottom of the page) or during your visit to Whole Living Wellness Center a tasteful sneak peek of your “lucky reds” (nothing lude or crude- just a peak!). Those who decide to participate will receive an adorable custom Red Pantie pin. (Limited amount of pins)

Let’s celebrate and “Let our Red Panties fly!”